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Thumb Collateral Ligament Reconstruction2024-02-08T18:30:13+00:00

Thumb Collateral Ligament Reconstruction

A surgical treatment called thumb collateral ligament reconstruction, often referred to as ulnar or radial collateral ligament reconstruction of the thumb, is used to repair or replace a torn ulnar or radial collateral ligament in the thumb.

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Thumb Collateral Ligament Reconstruction

The thumb collateral ligament, a crucial stabilising element on the thumb’s ulnar or radial side, aids in maintaining the stability of the thumb and enables the optimal function.

Types of Thumb Collateral Ligament Reconstruction Treatments:

  • Thumb Radial Collateral Ligament Reconstruction
  • Thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction

Thumb Collateral Ligament Reconstruction at a Glance

Procedure Time:
45 minutes per thumb

Return to Work:
2-4 weeks

Full Recovery:
12 weeks

£1,800 per thumb (Fixed)

Thumb Radial Collateral Ligament Reconstruction

Thumb radial collateral ligament reconstruction is used to replace or repair the thumb’s injured radial collateral ligament. The thumb radial collateral ligament is a supporting ligament that joins the proximal phalanx bone and thumb metacarpal bone on the side of the thumb. Its main purpose is to stabilise the thumb joint and limit excessive side to side motion. When the ligament is badly torn or injured following a traumatic accident, like a fall or direct blow to the thumb, RCL reconstruction is frequently required. Significant RCL impairment can result in instability, discomfort, weakness, and restricted thumb function.

What to expect at the time of your surgery:

To make sure the patient is comfortable throughout the surgery, local anaesthetic is used. On the thumb’s side, a tiny incision is made directly above the Radial Collateral Ligament injury. The surgeon carefully reveals the ligament and the tissues nearby. The surgeon assesses the severity of the Radial Collateral Ligament injury. In order to repair the damaged Radial Collateral Ligament, the surgeon may take a tendon graft, often from the patient’s wrist or forearm. The palmaris longus tendon and the flexor carpi radialis tendon are two frequently utilised tendon grafts. Sutures are used to close the incision once the graft has been fastened. At the surgical site are put sterile dressings.

Thumb Radial Collateral Ligament Reconstruction Recovery:

Following surgery, the thumb is typically immobilised with a splint or cast to safeguard the repaired ligament. On how to take care of the incision, control pain, and when to begin rehabilitation activities, you will receive detailed instructions. Physical therapy is an essential component of the healing process and aids in regaining the thumb’s strength, range of motion, and functionality. Although recovery times might differ, it often takes several months for the thumb to fully recover. You will progressively restore strength and range of motion throughout this time through therapy. It’s crucial to adhere to your surgeon’s instructions and show up for all prescribed follow-up appointments.

Thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction

Thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) is a surgical technique to repair or reconstruct a torn or damaged UCL in the thumb. It is frequently referred to as the “Tommy John” treatment for the thumb. Thumb UCL reconstruction is often done when the thumb’s UCL is completely torn or very unstable. This condition frequently affects athletes who engage in repetitive grip sports or those who have catastrophic thumb injuries.

What to expect at the time of your procedure:

The injured UCL is rebuilt during surgery using a graft, often taken from a tendon in the forearm or wrist. To construct a new ligament that stabilises the thumb joint, the graft is linked to the bone using tiny tunnels or anchors. Local anaesthesia will be used to numb the arm. To access the UCL, the surgeon will make a small incision in the palm or on the side of the thumb. The graft is then implanted and fixed in place using sutures, screws, or other fixation devices.

Thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction Recovery:

Following surgery, a period of immobilisation is required to allow satisfactory healing. On how to take care of the incision, control pain, and when to begin rehabilitation activities, you will receive detailed instructions. Physical therapy is an essential component of the healing process and aids in regaining the thumb’s strength, range of motion, and functionality. Although recovery times might differ, the thumb often takes several months to fully recover. You will progressively restore strength and range of motion throughout this time through therapy. It’s crucial to adhere to your surgeon’s instructions and show up for all prescribed follow-up appointments.

Thumb Collateral Ligament Reconstruction Prices

Thumb Collateral Ligament Reconstruction prices are fixed, which is £1,800 per thumb

For a no obligation quote, tailored specifically to you, please find your nearest Signature Clinic and book in for free consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. Your requirements are discussed in full confidence in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Following your consultation, the price you are quoted includes everything and there are no extra or hidden costs. Advice, treatment and aftercare are all part of our package to ensure your experience is positive from beginning to end.

Next Steps

Find out more about the procedure and treatment with a free no obligation consultation. To meet with one of our surgeons and receive free expert advice tailored to your needs, please call us or book your free consultation using our quick online form.

Thumb Collateral Ligament Reconstruction FAQ

What kind of graft is used to repair the collateral ligament in the thumb?2023-09-19T13:48:11+01:00
The most popular transplant choices include using tendon from the wrist (such as the flexor carpi radialis tendon)
or tendon from the forearm (typically the palmaris longus tendon).
How long will the procedure last?2023-07-08T16:35:46+01:00
The complexity of the case and the procedure employed can affect how long the thumb RCL reconstruction takes. The process normally takes between an hour and two hours to finish.
What results can be anticipated with thumb collateral ligament reconstruction?2023-09-19T12:59:54+01:00

The goal of thumb RCL reconstruction is to stabilise and reestablish the thumb joint’s functionality. The majority of patients report increased thumb stability, less pain, and recovered thumb function following successful surgery and appropriate rehabilitation.

How soon after thumb collateral ligament reconstruction can I resume my regular activities?2023-09-19T12:58:53+01:00
The individual’s healing progress and the surgeon’s advice will determine when they can resume normal activities. It typically takes a few months to be able to engage in routine activities and sports again that require the thumb. Specific recommendations catered to your circumstances will be given by your surgeon.

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