Adeyinka Molajo


Adeyinka (Ade) Molajo is a UK Trained Consultant Plastic Surgeon working both in the NHS and private sector. He studied medicine at St Andrews (BSc Medical Science) and Manchester University (MBChB) Medical Schools. He undertook specialist plastic surgery training in Liverpool, Manchester and London. After completing the FRCS(Plast) examination he gained entry to the GMC specialist register (Plastic Surgery).

Adeyinka Molajo, Adeyinka Molajo doctor, Adeyinka Molajo signature

GMC Registered

GMC Number:

Signature Clinic
Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Years of Experience


About Adeyinka Molajo

Mr Adeyinka Molajo FRCS(Plast) Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Adeyinka (Ade) Molajo is a UK Trained Consultant Plastic Surgeon working both in the NHS and private sector. He studied medicine at St Andrews (BSc Medical Science) and Manchester University (MBChB) Medical Schools. He undertook specialist plastic surgery training in Liverpool, Manchester and London. After completing the FRCS(Plast) examination he gained entry to the GMC specialist register (Plastic Surgery).

He completed fellowships in aesthetic surgery, breast reconstruction and microsurgery.

In his practice he treats both men and women with concerns or problems in the breast/chest area as well as the abdomen. He also manages trauma of all parts of the body and skin cancer.

At Signature Clinic he undertakes gynecomastia surgery after careful assessment of each patient needs and formulates a tailored strategy for each case. He believes patients are in-dividual and so their treatment should also be individual.

In addition to gynecomastia surgery he also treats other aspects of plastic surgery including nipple and/or areolar reduction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), scar revision and treatment, split ear lobe correction and liposuction and lipofilling where indicated.

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