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Alarplasty, also known as alar base reduction surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that modifies the shape of the nose. Alarplasty is popular for those who wish to lessen the appearance of nasal flares and who want to make their nose look more symmetrical.

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About Alarplasty Surgery

Alarplasty is a procedure in which a small amount of skin is taken from the wing of the nose. The outcome is frequently an appearance of the nose’s base being narrower. If the surgeon believes combining different incision procedures will produce the greatest results, it may be done. The intention is to keep the nose’s base looking natural. Technically, Alarpasty is a specific type of Rhinoplasty.

Alarplasty at a Glance

Procedure Time:
1 Hour

Return to Work:
1 Week

Full Recovery:
2 – 3 Weeks

£4,500 (Fixed)

Alarplasty suitable candidates:

If someone feels that their nostrils appear open and prominent or that their nose appears to have a flared appearance, they may be interested in an alarplasty.

The fleshy portions of your nose that attach your nostrils to your face are known as the alae. Depending on your natural facial shape, they can be taller or shorter, or thicker or thinner. Alarplasty removes a tiny piece of these alae, altering the appearance of your nose’s width.

This corrective operation might be of interest to people who have already undergone a rhinoplasty but want to improve the results, as well as to individuals who have suffered a facial trauma.

What to expect at the time of your surgery: 

Alarplasty is a short, easy procedure that can significantly alter the appearance of your face. Techniques for trimming your nose may change according to the shape of your nostrils and your goals. In order to keep any potential scarring from an alarplasty disguised in your natural nasal folds, our surgeon will typically make an incision in your alar crease. Depending on your aesthetic needs, they will then remove a wedge from your nostril wall. Our Surgeon will make a few last modifications to the contour of your nostrils. Then your incisions will be stitched and closed, and your nostrils will be reattached to their bases.

Alarplasty Recovery:

Pain, bruising, and swelling are typical after alar reduction surgery in the initial days. It’s also typical to experience some minor bleeding from your incisional sites, which should stop completely in two to three days.

Any sutures, nasal packing, and bandages will be taken off during your follow-up appointment after a week. Most of your swelling, bruising, and pain should then be gone or reduced significantly.

Alar reduction surgery does not involve reshaping of the bone, unlike a nose job. This reduces the duration of your recovery period as well as the intensity of your pain, bruising, and swelling. Most patients resume their regular daily activities one week after their alarplasty, with a two-week recovery period on average.

More than any other tissue, the nose has a tendency to hold onto swelling. Even if it isn’t obvious, any leftover swelling could take three to six months to totally go away. Even after having an alarplasty, scarring cannot be seen thanks to its position. Your scar will disappear completely over time if you take good care of it.

Alarplasty Prices

At Signature Clinic, we charge a set fee of £4,500 (Fixed) for Alarplasty.

For a no obligation quote, tailored specifically to you, please find your nearest Signature Clinic and book in for free consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. Your requirements are discussed in full confidence in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Following your consultation, the price you are quoted includes everything and there are no extra or hidden costs. Advice, treatment and aftercare are all part of our package to ensure your experience is positive from beginning to end.

Next Steps

Find out more about the procedure and treatment with a free no obligation consultation. To meet with one of our surgeons and receive free expert advice tailored to your needs, please call us or book your free consultation using our quick online form.

Alarplasty FAQ

At what age can I have Alarplasty?2022-11-03T16:54:29+00:00

One of the most often requested operations among both adults and young teenagers is alarplasty. It works best when your nose reaches its adult size. At Signature Clinic, patients must be 18 years old to have Alarplasty surgery.

Is Alarplasty permanent?2022-11-03T16:54:52+00:00

The results of a nostril reduction procedure are thought to be permanent, although being slightly vulnerable to the ageing process.

Can Alar reduction be reversed?2022-11-03T16:55:32+00:00

Alar reduction surgery is irreversible and permanent. Revisional surgery may be performed to correct nostril narrowing if you’re not happy with the results. You should be mindful of the potential for severe scarring and abnormal contouring, though.

How long does alarplasty last?2023-08-24T11:24:59+01:00

Alarplasty is typically thought of as a permanent treatment, therefore the alterations performed to the nostrils should be long-lasting. It’s crucial to remember that the ageing process goes on and that the tissues and skin of the face might change over time. The nostrils’ appearance may be somewhat impacted by these alterations.

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