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Thigh Lift2024-01-18T13:21:45+00:00

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift (thighplasty) is an invasive cosmetic surgery that removes excess skin and fat from the thigh area. Resulting in smoother and more shapely legs.

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About Thigh Lift Treatments

The most common reason for Thigh Lift surgery is to help reshape and smooth the thigh area after losing weight. Many people decide to have the surgery done in order to become more shapely and to feel more at ease wearing jeans, shorts, and swimwear.


Thigh Lift at a Glance

Procedure Time:
4 Hours 

Return to Work:
2 -3 weeks   

Full Recovery:
6 weeks

£8,500 - £9,000

There are different types of thigh lifts that are achieved via different incisions. Our consultant doctors will help you choose the best surgery to meet your personal needs. Below are the different types of things to consider:

Inner Thigh Lift (Medial Thigh Lift)

A medial thigh lift is the most common form of this cosmetic surgery. It addresses sagging skin in your inner thighs via an incision from your groin down toward your knee or toward the back of your thigh area.

Mini thigh lift

This procedure requires fewer incisions than other types of thigh lifts, only involving an incision in your groin area. It works well if you’re wanting to focus on the upper-inner part of your thigh only.

Vertical thigh lift

This procedure is perfect for those wanting to target a lot of excess skin on all of your thigh, It requires larger incisions that extend down to your knees.

Outer/Bilateral Thigh Lift

This kind of thigh lift targets the extra skin and fat on the outside of the leg. From the groin area, the surgeon makes an incision that extends toward the hip and lower back. After removing any extra skin and fat, the skin is then sutured together.

Spiral Lift

The intensity of a spiral lift exceeds that of a regular thigh lift. Another name for it is a complete thigh lift. In essence, a spiral lift targets all four thighs (the front, back, inner, and outer) in one procedure. Additionally, the buttocks and hip region are affected. The body contouring operation combines aspects of buttock augmentation, liposuction, and thigh lift surgery. It might also incorporate some methods for skin tightening.

Lift with liposuction

In some cases, the thigh area may have poor skin elasticity. Your surgeon may recommend liposuction in addition to thigh lift surgery to help remove excess fat cells and prevent sagging skin.

Thigh Lift Recovery:

After the procedure, you’ll Likely feel discomfort, bruising, and swelling for a few days. Even though you should see increased definition in your thighs immediately away, the complete effects won’t become apparent for several months.

Thigh Lift Prices

Prices range from £8,500 to £9,000. There is no set price for Thigh Lift surgery as every patient is unique and treated on an individual, case-by-case basis.

For a no obligation quote, tailored specifically to you, please find your nearest Signature Clinic and book in for free consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. Your requirements are discussed in full confidence in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Following your consultation, the price you are quoted includes everything and there are no extra or hidden costs. Advice, treatment and aftercare are all part of our package to ensure your experience is positive from beginning to end.

Next Steps

Find out more about the procedure and treatment with a free no obligation consultation. To meet with one of our surgeons and receive free expert advice tailored to your needs, please call us or book your free consultation using our quick online form.

Thigh Lift FAQ

Can a Thigh Lift be combined with Liposuction?2022-11-07T16:34:55+00:00

Yes. In order to better contour the legs and to shrink the size of the “saddle bags” or love handles or other problem regions, both the medial and extended thigh lifts can frequently be paired with minimal liposuction.

What does a Thigh Lift involve?2022-11-07T16:35:31+00:00

The primary goal of a thigh lift is to remove extra skin and fat from the inner thighs before sewing the ends together. It is a pretty simple surgical procedure in practice. However, the treatment is relatively time-consuming and can take up to 2 hours to perform because of the enormous area and length of the wound that needs suturing.

Dissolving sutures are used to close the incision, and the skin’s surface is subsequently covered with surgical tapes. The thighs are then wrapped in a bandage to provide some compression and stop any bleeding and swelling.

What are the scars like?2022-11-07T16:35:59+00:00

It is never feasible to anticipate how a scar may look in the future. In fact, thigh lift scars that resemble a hairline are extremely unusual. These always initially appear red, elevated, and lumpy in the initial months following surgery, but in most people, they do tend to settle over time.

How long is recovery time for a Thigh Lift?2022-11-07T16:36:26+00:00

The majority of patients often need two weeks off from their demanding jobs. Many patients believe they can gradually begin to resume their normal activities after this, with the goal of being able to fully resume their normal activities starting six weeks after having a thigh lift surgery, depending on the type of thigh lift that was performed and provided healing proceeds without emergency. It’s vital to keep in mind that at this point, a little amount of swelling will still be visible and won’t go away completely for a few months.

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