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Scrotal Cyst Removal2024-05-10T18:52:38+01:00

Scrotal Cyst Removal

A scrotal cyst usually appears as a small, smooth lump or bump in the scrotum, usually on or behind the testicles. They may feel hard or rubbery and may vary in size. Most scrotal cysts are not painful, but in some cases they can cause discomfort or a feeling of heaviness.

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Scrotal Cyst Removal

Scrotal cysts form when the ducts of the epididymis become obstructed and fluid accumulates, forming a cyst. The exact cause of this blockage is often unknown, but it may be related to inflammation, injury, infection, or other factors.

Scrotal Cyst Removal at a Glance

Procedure Time:
30 minutes

Return to Work:
5 days

Full Recovery:
2 weeks

£600 (Fixed)

What to expect at the time of your surgery:

Removal of a scrotal cyst is usually done under local anesthesia, which numbs the area around the cyst. During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the cyst and carefully removes it, along with surrounding tissue if necessary. Depending on the size and type of cyst, the incision may be sutured closed or left open until it heals.

What to expect after your surgery:

After your procedure, you will be monitored in a recovery area until you are ready to go home. Discomfort and swelling may occur in the scrotal area, which can usually be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers and cold compresses. The surgeon and aftercare assistant will give you instructions on how to care for your wound, including how to keep the area clean and dry to prevent infection. The aftercare team will do regular follow-up calls to monitor the progress and healing. Recovery time varies depending on the extent of the procedure and individual healing. The surgeon or aftercare team will advise you when it is safe to resume normal activities, such as work, exercise, and sex.

Scrotal Cyst Removal Prices

Scrotal Cyst Removal prices are fixed, which is £600

For a no obligation quote, tailored specifically to you, please find your nearest Signature Clinic and book in for free consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. Your requirements are discussed in full confidence in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Following your consultation, the price you are quoted includes everything and there are no extra or hidden costs. Advice, treatment and aftercare are all part of our package to ensure your experience is positive from beginning to end.

Next Steps

Find out more about the procedure and treatment with a free no obligation consultation. To meet with one of our surgeons and receive free expert advice tailored to your needs, please call us or book your free consultation using our quick online form.

Scrotal Cyst Removal FAQ

What can I expect during recovery after scrotal cyst removal?2024-04-26T17:49:07+01:00

Recovery after scrotal cyst removal depends on the extent of the surgery and your individual healing. Discomfort and swelling may occur in the scrotal area, which can usually be treated with painkillers and cold compresses.

Will there be any scarring after scrotal cyst removal?2024-04-26T17:49:48+01:00

Scarring after scrotal cyst removal is almost always minimal. The surgeon makes a small incision in the scrotum and removes the cyst. The puncture site will heal over time, leaving a small scar that may fade over time.

Will removing a scrotal cyst affect fertility or sexual activity?2024-04-26T17:51:31+01:00

Scrotal cysts usually do not affect fertility or sexual activity, so removal of a scrotal cyst is unlikely to affect these functions.

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