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Arthroscopic Plica Resection2023-11-22T14:18:49+00:00

Arthroscopic Plica Resection

An arthroscopic plica resection is a surgical technique used to treat inflammation or irritation of the knee joint's synovial plica.

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Arthroscopic Plica Resection

The synovial membrane that lines the knee joint has a fold called the synovial plica. Although the plica is a natural structure, it can occasionally become painful and symptomatic, particularly when it catches or pinches when a knee is being moved.

Arthroscopic Plica Resection at a Glance

Procedure Time:
30 minutes

Return to Work:
4 weeks

Full Recovery:
8-12 Weeks

£3800 (Fixed)

What to expect at the time of your surgery:

Arthroscopy is used to execute the operation, which is a minimally invasive method. To view and treat the plica, this entails creating tiny incisions around the knee and inserting surgical instruments and an arthroscope, which is a tiny camera. The orthopaedic surgeon does a comprehensive evaluation, which includes a physical examination, imaging testing (such as MRIs), and a discussion of the patient’s medical history and symptoms, before recommending surgery. The common method for performing arthroscopic plica excision is general anaesthesia, which renders the patient asleep throughout the process. The synovial plica’s size, position, and condition are evaluated by the surgeon using the arthroscope. The plica may occasionally be adherent, thickened, or inflammatory, which could exacerbate the symptoms. The troublesome section of the synovial plica is carefully excised or trimmed off by the surgeon. This is done to ease the impingement, reduce inflammation, and improve knee function.

What to expect after your surgery:

To reduce weight on the knee after surgery, patients can be told to use crutches for a brief while. Physical therapy can help with rehabilitation and return knee function to normal. When compared to open surgery, arthroscopic plica resection often requires a shorter recovery period. Although the entire healing duration may vary, most patients can return to their regular activities within a few weeks.

Arthroscopic Plica Resection Prices

Arthroscopic Plica Resection prices are fixed, which is £3800

For a no obligation quote, tailored specifically to you, please find your nearest Signature Clinic and book in for free consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. Your requirements are discussed in full confidence in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Following your consultation, the price you are quoted includes everything and there are no extra or hidden costs. Advice, treatment and aftercare are all part of our package to ensure your experience is positive from beginning to end.

Next Steps

Find out more about the procedure and treatment with a free no obligation consultation. To meet with one of our surgeons and receive free expert advice tailored to your needs, please call us or book your free consultation using our quick online form.

Arthroscopic Plica Resection FAQ

When is it advised to get a plica removed surgically?2023-11-22T14:14:08+00:00

When a synovial plica becomes inflamed or irritated and causes persistent knee pain, edoema, or reduced range of motion, arthroscopic plica excision is advised.

Which signs might point to the necessity of plica resection?2023-11-22T14:15:39+00:00

Knee pain, swelling, popping or clicking sounds, and discomfort, particularly with certain motions, are possible symptoms. Conservative therapy may not be enough to cure these symptoms.

Will the arthroscopic plica resection leave any visible scars?2023-11-22T14:17:44+00:00

Arthroscopic plica excision usually involves minor incisions that leave little scars. In most cases, the scars are barely perceptible.

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