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Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction2024-01-30T19:18:50+00:00

Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction

The important ligament in the knee, the ACL, can be repaired surgically via an arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Activities involving rapid stops, direction changes, or direct impact frequently result in ACL injuries.

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Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction

An arthroscope, a tiny camera, and specialised tools are used in the minimally invasive procedure known as “Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction”. Treatment for ACL injuries that is both common and successful is arthroscopic ACL reconstruction. Compared to traditional open surgery, it has the benefits of fewer incisions, less pain following surgery, and a quicker recovery.

Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction at a Glance

Procedure Time:
1-1.30 hours

Return to Work:
4 weeks

Full Recovery:
8-12 Weeks

£5000 (Fixed)

What to expect at the time of your surgery:

General anaesthesia is used to execute the procedure, meaning the patient is unconscious throughout. After the procedure, pain treatment may also be achieved through the use of regional anaesthesia, such as a nerve block. Portals are tiny incisions made all around the knee joint. To view the interior of the joint on a monitor, one of these incisions is used to implant the arthroscope. The reconstruction is then carried out via additional gateways using specialised tools. A graft, either an autograft (made from the patient’s tissue, usually the hamstring or patellar tendon) or an allograft (donor tissue), is used to replace the torn ACL. The surgeon’s preference, the patient’s age, and their level of activity all influence the graft selection. Screws or other fixation devices are used to firmly anchor the transplant. The graft is carefully positioned and tensioned by the surgeon to replicate the original ACL’s functionality.

What to expect after your surgery:

Patients are usually advised to use knee braces and crutches following surgery. The goal of physical therapy is to restore range of motion, strength, and flexibility as soon as possible during the healing process. Protecting the knee and progressively increasing weight-bearing activities are part of the first rehabilitation phase. The timeframe may differ depending on individual factors; however, it may take several months to fully heal and resume sports or physically demanding activities.

Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction Prices

Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction prices are fixed, which is £5000

For a no obligation quote, tailored specifically to you, please find your nearest Signature Clinic and book in for free consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. Your requirements are discussed in full confidence in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Following your consultation, the price you are quoted includes everything and there are no extra or hidden costs. Advice, treatment and aftercare are all part of our package to ensure your experience is positive from beginning to end.

Next Steps

Find out more about the procedure and treatment with a free no obligation consultation. To meet with one of our surgeons and receive free expert advice tailored to your needs, please call us or book your free consultation using our quick online form.

Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction FAQ

How can I tell if I require reconstruction of my ACL?2023-11-22T13:13:30+00:00

ACL injuries are usually evaluated thoroughly by an orthopaedic surgeon, who may also prescribe surgery based on results from imaging examinations (MRI, CT, and other imaging modalities) and physical examination.

After an ACL reconstruction, when can I resume sports?2023-11-22T13:15:28+00:00

Return to sports is usually based on functional recovery, strength, and individual improvement and is overseen by the orthopaedic surgeon and physical therapist. It is usually a gradual process.

Is physical rehabilitation required following ACL reconstruction?2023-11-22T13:16:43+00:00

Indeed, physical therapy is an essential part of the healing process. It aids in the knee’s strength, stability, and flexibility restoration, facilitating a successful return to daily activities.

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