Experts in Cosmetic Surgery. Full Surgical Registrations with Care Quality Commission & Health Improvement Scotland.
Lip Augmentation2024-07-29T11:57:28+01:00

Lip Augmentation

Having thin lips is genetic and lip size does not change with things like weight change. The best and fastest way of having a fuller and plumper lip is via lip filler. Since the treatment takes minutes to perform with almost no downtime, you can go back to your daily activities as if nothing happens.

Available at any of our UK clinics

0% Finance Available

CQC and HIS Regulated

GMC Registered Surgeons

Out of Hours Aftercare

Procedures per Year
Locations Across the UK
Satisfaction Rate
Day Aftercare
Five Star Reviews

About Lip Augmentation Treatments

If you have thin lips, lip augmentation is a treatment that can give you a fuller lip. The technique is unique to each patient as every person is different and needs a different level of treatment. Our doctors are experts in achieving a naturally fuller look without giving a duck-like appearance. Our doctors enhance the lip line and the lip columns before adding volume to the lip body to give a well-defined, fuller pout.

Lip Augmentation at a Glance

Procedure Time:
30 minutes

Return to Work:
Same day

Full Recovery:
Same day

From £450

Lip augmentation

Lip Augmentation Prices

Prices start from £450/ml, with subsequent mls priced at £350

For a no obligation quote, tailored specifically to you, please find your nearest Signature Clinic and book in for free consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. Your requirements are discussed in full confidence in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Following your consultation, the price you are quoted includes everything and there are no extra or hidden costs. Advice, treatment and aftercare are all part of our package to ensure your experience is positive from beginning to end.

Next Steps

Find out more about the procedure and treatment with a free no obligation consultation. To meet with one of our surgeons and receive free expert advice tailored to your needs, please call us or book your free consultation using our quick online form.

Lip Augmentation FAQ

What aftercare is provided?2023-04-18T11:34:54+01:00

We provide every patient with complimentary out-of-hours aftercare. Our patient promise is to be at the clinic within 60 minutes of your emergency if necessary.

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